There are 101 products.
TH1/Th2 balance urine test
The Urine Balance Test aims at detecting alterations of the Th1/Th2 balance. The test allows patients and doctors to follow-up on Th1/Th2 balance during therapy and to evaluate whether the treatment is really effective.
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Urine Kit Ordering Form from EU
Urine Kit Ordering Form from USA
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Urine Kit Ordering Form from EU
Urine Kit Ordering Form from USA
Prostaglandin E2 ELISA test in serum (PGE2)
PGE2 is a compound derived from membrane phospholipids.
PGE2 is also a key mediator of immunopathology in chronic infections and cancer.
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PGE2: Request Form from EU
PGE2: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
Methylation Cycle Polymorphisms (GFOL)
677C-T and 1298A-C are two SNP's in the gene coding for MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase).The T allele of 677C-T, and the C allele of 1298A-C are the “bad” alleles, corresponding to a low activity form of MTHFR. The low activity leads to accumulation of homocysteine, and low levels of folate.
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GFOL: Request Form from EU
GFOL: Request Form from USA
Whole blood-based tests : 2 ml whole blood in EDTA tube. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C. Stable for 48 hours. Do not freeze
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GFOL: Request Form from EU
GFOL: Request Form from USA
Whole blood-based tests : 2 ml whole blood in EDTA tube. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C. Stable for 48 hours. Do not freeze
CD57+/CD3- absolute cell count
CD57+/CD3- cells are a subset of NK cells. Their exact function is not well understood but differentiates them from CD56+ NK cells. The absolute number of CD57+/CD3- cells is low in patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease [Stricker et al. 2001].
CD57: Request Form from EU
CD57: Request Form from USA
Whole blood-based tests : 2 ml whole blood in EDTA tube. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C. Stable for 48 hours. Do not freeze
CD57: Request Form from EU
CD57: Request Form from USA
Whole blood-based tests : 2 ml whole blood in EDTA tube. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C. Stable for 48 hours. Do not freeze
Soluble CD14 serum level (sCD14)
CD14 is expressed in monocytes/macrophages and has a critical role in the recognition of bacterial cell wall components (LPS). The extracellular part of CD14 can be cleaved and released in the plasma. There it will inactivate circulating LPS.
sCD14: Request Form from EU
sCD14: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
sCD14: Request Form from EU
sCD14: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
C3A and C4A ELISA test in serum
C3A is one of the proteins formed by the cleavage of complement component 3. Traditionally thought to serve a strictly pro-inflammatory role, recent investigations have shown that C3a can also work against C5a to serve an anti-inflammatory role. In addition, migration and degranulation of neutrophils can be suppressed in the presence of C3a.
C3A&C4A: Request Form from EU
C3A&C4A: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
C3A&C4A: Request Form from EU
C3A&C4A: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
VEGF ELISA test in serum
VEGF has a great role in pathological conditions that are associated to autoimmune diseases such as in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Serum levels of VEGF correlate with disease activity in a large number of autoimmune diseases and fall with the use of standard therapy.
VEGF: Request Form from EU
VEGF: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
VEGF: Request Form from EU
VEGF: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
Nagalase activity assay (NAGA)
New implemented method for the measurement of patients Nagalase, reported as NAGAnew. It features an improved nagalase measurement differentiating the free nagalase activity, the bound amount of non-active nagalase and the total amount of nagalase (free plus bound).
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Naga: Request Form from EU
Naga: Request Form from USA
Requested sample: 3ml serum: collect blood in serum tube (tube with gel), allow to clot for 1h, centrifuge (3000rpm 10min), aliquot & store at –20° / –80°C. Send frozen. Centrifuged serum tube could be shipped on ambient temperature if its delivery to our Lab is ensured in max 24h after the blood sampling.
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Naga: Request Form from EU
Naga: Request Form from USA
Requested sample: 3ml serum: collect blood in serum tube (tube with gel), allow to clot for 1h, centrifuge (3000rpm 10min), aliquot & store at –20° / –80°C. Send frozen. Centrifuged serum tube could be shipped on ambient temperature if its delivery to our Lab is ensured in max 24h after the blood sampling.
CD38 ELISA test in serum
CD38, which has an important role in dendritic cells (DC) chemotaxis and migration to lymph nodes, was strongly up-regulated by LPS but practically not at all by Borrelia garinii (mostly inducing neuroborreliosis).
CD38: Request Form from EU
CD38: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
CD38: Request Form from EU
CD38: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
Kynurenic acid ELISA test in serum (KYNA)
Kynurenic acid (KYNA) is a metabolite of tryptophan formed enzymatically along the kynurenine pathway. The first step in the pathway is catalyzed by tryptophan 2, 3-dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO), enzymes responsible for tryptophan degradation to formylkynurenine.
KYNA: Request Form from EU
KYNA: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
KYNA: Request Form from EU
KYNA: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
Quinolinic acid ELISA test in serum (QUINO)
Quinolinic acid is a downstream product of the kynurenine pathway, which metabolizes the amino acid tryptophan. It acts as an NMDA receptor agonist. Quinolinic acid has a potent neurotoxic effect. Studies have demonstrated that quinolinic acid may be involved in many psychiatric disorders, neurodegenerative processes in the brain, as well as other disorders.
Quino: Request Form from EU
Quino: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
Quino: Request Form from EU
Quino: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
Ammonia serum levels (AMMON)
Ammonia is derived from bacterial enzymatic action on ingested amino acids. It is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and delivered through the portal vein to the liver, which converts most of it into urea.
AMMON: Request Form from EU
AMMON: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.
AMMON: Request Form from EU
AMMON: Request Form from USA
Serum-based tests : 2 ml SERUM. Centrifuge immediately after clotting. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C for 24h. For longer periods, aliquot, freeze and ship frozen.