CD57+/CD3- absolute cell count
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CD57+/CD3- absolute cell count

CD57+/CD3- cells are a subset of NK cells. Their exact function is not well understood but differentiates them from CD56+ NK cells. The absolute number of CD57+/CD3- cells is low in patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease [Stricker et al. 2001].

CD57: Request Form from EU

CD57: Request Form from USA

Whole blood-based tests : 2 ml whole blood in EDTA tube. Keep at ambient temperature or 4°C. Stable for 48 hours. Do not freeze


Patients with very low CD57 have significantly more co-infections and persistent immunologic defects than patients with higher counts. In patients that respond to antibiotic therapy, the number of cells come back to normal. Therefore, this is a useful marker to follow the effect of therapy.
Our study (Siniscalco et al, In Vivo 2016) showed that on 107 autistic patients enrolled, 73 (68.2%) of them showed CD57 below 100 cells/μl of whole blood (mean±SE 49.12±3.12), and among them 47 (64.4%) patients showed CD57 below the lower limit of the normal range (the normal range is considered 60-360 cells/μl of whole blood).

Data sheet
Do I need to prepay the test before receiving the kit?

Please kindly note that for all the tests that are done in our partner labs in the USA, a full prepayment must be received before your sample is sent for testing.
Partner labs demand a full prepayment before the sample can begin to travel. Thank you for your understanding and collaboration.

What is the turnaround time for the tests?

It will take approx. 4 weeks to get the results from all tests, except for MSA (6 weeks) and CD56 and CD57 (48 -72 hours).

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